
Age well, Live well

In Search of a Better Life

CEO Message

Benefits the world widely
by practical applications

실사홍익: 실사구시+홍익인간
T-Stem CEO Youngsil Kim

CEO Message

Benefits the world widely
by practical applications

실사홍익: 실사구시+홍익인간
T-Stem CEO Youngsil Kim

While studying human adipose-derived stem cells in a different way from others, I thought of Steve Jobs, who said, “The person who looks at the world differently changed the world and advances mankind’s.”

T-Stem developed MF-STEM™ acts without immune rejection reaction by purifying active ingredients after removing the cell membrane of a stem cell. MF-STEM™ is a formulation of freeze-dried powder using young and healthy allogenic cells; it can be mass-produced and has a great commercial opportunities. MFSC® is expected to be a new starting point that will be a game changer of the existing stem cell research and development.

T-Stem intends to become the first mover in the pioneering new field in stem cell research. We keep moving forward to practice a spirit that benefits people through practical work.

